2022, Big Thanks, and Other Thoughts

The last post in this way-too-sporadic blog was headed “Returning, Maybe,” but now I feel fairly confident that Extradition has actually returned. Thanks to everyone who attended our first post-lockdown concert on October 23, and double-thanks for everyone’s forbearance (and outright enthusiasm) for our COVID protocols, which will remain in effect for upcoming concerts until science says otherwise. Special, special thanks to the one audience member who forgot her vaccination card, rushed home for it, then rushed back. You’re a good citizen!

(Speaking of thanks, we’ve scheduled a special invitation-only concert in December just for our Patreon patrons and other series supporters. If you’re a patron and haven’t gotten the invitation we emailed, check your spam folder or get in touch.)

As we move forward, we have all our quarterly concerts for 2022 programmed and scheduled:

  • Saturday, January 29, 2022

  • Saturday, April 16, 2022

  • Saturday, July 30, 2022

  • Saturday, October 15, 2022

Details on the programs and venues can be found at our Calendar page. Our ensemble will also be scheduling Recital Series performances and special recordings throughout the year, including: a performance of Jurg Frey’s Time, Intent, Memory at the Hallock & McMillan Building (rescheduled from this past September) and a concert of old and new pieces by experimental elder statesman Philip Corner.

It feels good to be back in the swing of things after a long, dark twenty months.

Matt Hannafin