Returning, Maybe
There’s a moment in Kurt Vonnegut’s World War II novel Mother Night when the main character, a Nazi propagandist who’d secretly served as an American spy, meets his handler immediately after the German surrender. The handler says, “Well—what did you think of that war, Campbell?”
I want to be able to say that. Say, “Well—what did you think of that pandemic, people?” But of course we’re still in it.
I want to plan to not be in it, but it turns out that’s hard. During the heady days of early summer I planned out a year and a half of concerts and got commitments from musicians to perform at the first two. Then Delta came surging in and we had to cancel the first of those concerts, previously scheduled for late September. Now we’re looking at restarting on October 23 at Leaven Community—maybe, possibly, perhaps, if things are looking better than they are at this writing.
In the interest of protecting health, wellbeing, and the common good, we will be requiring proof of covid vaccination at the door (vaccine card or photo of card) as well as the use of masks throughout the Leaven space.
We hope to see you there.
Matt Hannafin, director & curator
The Extradition Series